Slums in Manila Philippines

Update #2

April 24th, 2019 · No Comments · Uncategorized

This week (4/22-4/24), our group came together to focus more on the topic of solution for our problem of fixing housing in Manila, Philippines. We focused on solutions that we felt could have a real implementation, and how each one reflected on our problem. The three solutions we came up with were Community Housing, Housing Built from Waste Materials, and Hexagonal Housing. To find more about the solutions we came up with, you can check out our solutions page.

We also completed a decision matrix, coming up with 10 different attributes, allowing us to choose one final solution to focus on. Completing the decision matrix, the solution we will be moving forward with is community housing. The decision matrix can also be located on our solutions page.

At the end of this week, we started sketching a prototype for community housing that we could implement in Manila, Philippines. We are still working on the sketch, which will be completed next week.

In preparation to sketching a prototype, there are a few things we discussed:

  • Potential materials (which ones are durable/cost-effective/accessible)
  • Location
  • Design (what are the most important factors that need to be included, including features)
  • Size


Update #1

April 17th, 2019 · No Comments · Uncategorized

This week (4/15-4/17), our group worked together both in and outside of class coming up with solutions towards our problem. We’ve brainstormed both individually and together in the group sharing ideas and solutions that will help solve the problem we’ve tackled, which the housing structure in Manila, Philippines slums. With the flow of ideas being shared, we wish to define three solutions this week and chose the one we feel will have the most impact. To do so, we’ve taken the time to discuss important factors such as:

  • what are some of the most important aspects of our solutions
    • what makes one solution different from the others
  • what materials will be included
    • are they cost effective?
    • are they available in the Philippines or will we have to import?
  • what the structure of the housing will look like
    • will it be dome-shaped? will we build something similar to a condominium? what structure will withstand extreme weather conditions?
  • what solution will have the largest impact

By discussing such factors, this will help us get closer to creating a prototype for whichever solution we end up choosing.
